
Quality is the core of our business and forms the foundations of all our client relationships. We fully understand the importance of our role in client operations and have a deep knowledge of calibration and measurement certification which helps to provide further foundations for success. We have a wide range of quality systems, providing the environment to deliver world class calibration and measurement including BS EN ISO/IEC 9001, BS EN ISO/IEC 17025 Testing and BS EN ISO/IEC 17025 Calibration.

A History of Quality

We are a UKAS-Approved Testing Laboratory and Calibration Laboratory with our original accreditation dating back to July 1986. Our long-standing history of quality runs through all our business activities, from advisory support to service. Our commitment to quality can be seen in our staff’s dedication to their roles, our investment in innovation and equipment and the trust that our clients place in us.

Expand Your Calibration and Measurement Performance

For customers that want to push their calibration and measurement limits we offer the opportunity to provide advisory support and the use of our Metrology Centre to try new equipment and learn new skills. This gives you the ability to expand your capability and improve your calibration and measurement performance in a professional, open environment.

Decision Rules & Reporting Statements of Conformity for Calibration Orders

1. Decision Rule Type: Binary – Simple Acceptance

Statements of Conformity / Non-Conformity are based on a simple acceptance rule as reported in ILAC-G8:09/2019, where the acceptance limit is the same or better/lower than the stated tolerance limit.

This rule will be provided to all customers equipment as standard, unless otherwise stated at the contract review stage or customer consultation.

The certificate of calibration or testing will provide a binary simple acceptance statement as follows:

“Conformity / Non-Conformity statements are based on simple acceptance rule (ILAC-G8:09/2019) where, Acceptance Limit (AL) equals Tolerance Limit (TL). Provided that the Tolerance Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) ≥1:1.”

Note: A conformity statement cannot be made when the uncertainty of measurement is greater than that of the stated specification.

2. Decision Rule Type: None

No conformity statement can be made when there is no specification available.

Further options for decision rules & reporting statements of conformity can be viewed upon request and consultation.

Avon Dynamic Calibration’s standard process for conformity statements on Gauge Blocks

ADCF112 – Gauge Blocks

Avon Dynamic Calibration’s standard process for calibration method and conformity statements on Torque Wrenches to BS EN ISO 6789:2017

ADCF056 – Torque (2017)

Avon Dynamic Calibration’s standard process for calibration method and conformity statements on Torque Wrenches to BS EN ISO 6789:2003

ADCF056-1 – Torque (2003)

Avon Dynamic Calibration’s standard process for calibration method and conformity statements on Torque Meters to BS 7882:2017

ADCF126 – Torque

UKAS schedule of accreditation



Contact the UK’s most experienced calibration and measurement partner and improve your quality consistency and performance. Call us for a quick quote on 0117 947 7846 or email [email protected].